
Industry 4 strong strategic incoming intelligent chemical plant or into the mainstream

catostech | 2017-03-02

The intelligent factory is the most typical characteristic of the "industrial 4", which can be used in the manufacturing process, such as analysis, reasoning, judgment, decision-making and decision-making. To expand, extend, and partially replace the mental work of technical experts in the manufacturing process.

The industry generally believes that the German industrial 4 strategy and made in China, the same as the best of the best, because the basic purpose of the two strategies are to ensure that the future of the domestic manufacturing industry in the future is to ensure that the future of China's manufacturing industry in the future".


At present, the "made in China 2025" strategy officially launched a year. In this regard, the Ministry of industry minister Miao Wei affirmed the 46 major achievements in the field of intelligent manufacturing demonstration projects covering 38 industries. At the same time, he also pointed out: digital and networking is the basis of intelligence, intelligent manufacturing must be realized in the digital, network-based basis can be achieved. If the use of industrial standards in developed countries, many enterprises in China haven't reached 2, and in promoting the process of industrialization in China step by step, need to make up 2 of the class, but also to promote the 3, but also to the 4 aspects of development".

On the surface, although different industries, different types of enterprises have different production processes. In fact, from the management point of view, the vast majority of enterprise production processes are the same, usually mainly orders, scheduling, counting, procurement, production, quality inspection, sales, feedback, etc..